The ultimate medical platform for personalized care-plans that are patient-friendly and convenient to access.
Incareview’s applications for Intelligent Care Transition addresses the core issue of avoidable readmissions by providing Caregivers and Patients a unique platform that creates personalized discharge care plans.
Android, IOS
React Native
React Js
Node Js
User Experience
User Interface
Application Development
With a great idea of reducing a significant cost to healthcare worldwide for these avoidable readmissions and also the personal cost to the patient, Incareview had to partner with reliable team. There was a need for engineers on the frontend and backend to build out mobile and web application.
One of the first thing we did was a UX review to identify the key parts of the app that needed to be improved. The goal is to allow users to quickly access their medical records and media content related to their health. We built the whole solution around this main feature for the first release. In terms of the design, we wanted to go for something fresh and light.
The whole experience is focused on speed. The user will just have access simple steps to check their appointments, treatment plan and notes from their care taker. Our team also came up with a solution tag management where the care takers does not want to write up the same notes for same health problem for different patients. This help care takers to save the time.
The application also powered with AI where it automatically generates and show the media content to the patients on how to look after once they discharged. This helped the patient's recovery sooner than expected and also saved the time of care takers.
This is a first AI powered application on medical record management for the hospitals. It is on of the kind application that helps to reduce the discharge cost for hospitals by 19% and implemented in 2 hospitals in Ireland.
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