Harnessing this technology allows us to bridge the physical and the digital, pushing the boundaries of visual and user experience.
Augmo is very first project of Brown Button on AR. We have created an application that allows us to bridge the physical and the digital, pushing the boundaries of visual and user experience.
Android, IOS
React Native
Node Js
User Experience
User Interface
Application Development
Our team wanted to create a product that act a bridge between physical and digital world. We have come up with this idea ti implement in images and wedding invitation. Our team wanted this has to be uncomplicated for a normal users who are gonna use this application for their events.
Our team of engineers and designers came with way to create a sass platform for users with simple steps to create their own AR images and invitations.
Once they uplaod the images to be augmented with the video, this will connect with server and create preview for the users where they experience the AR with Augmo.
We have created simple to use AR Sass Platform and AR mobile application link to it.
Not only this but it has huge potential in various fields.